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Shadows of Mordor gets a sequel
Warner Bros. officially announced a sequel to the action-adventure game, Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor, Middle Earth: Shadow of War. It...

Valve announces new publishing system
Valve recently announced their current third party game publishing system, Steam Greenlight, will be replaced by a new system called,...

Afterbirth Plus is finally released
With the release of The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth +, players are anxious for the new items and potential that comes with it. Ever...

Minecraft 1.11 review
The world is now forever changed with the new addition of “Exploration Update” in the release of Minecraft 1.11. The first addition that...

Super Smash Brothers player pursues full time gaming career
Twenty three year old Super Smash Brothers Melee player Juan Debiedma or “Hungrybox” of team liquid, announced on October 12th during his...

The Iphone 8 is coming with a fresh face
Even though the Iphone 7 just came out, rumours about the Iphone 8 are already spreading. The Iphone 8 is expected to come with a...

Pokemon Sun and Moon innovates the series once again
The seventh generation of the next pokemon games are here. Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, exclusive only for the Nintendo 3ds, came out on...

Technology Takeover
As time goes on, the usage of machines increases, and in the coming years, they may completely replace some jobs. Jobs that are at risks...

Dishonored 2 honors its roots
Players are finally given the chance to sneak and slash their way through another adventure, courtesy of Arkane Studios. On Friday,...

iOS 10 Review
With iOS 10 being released by Apple on September 13th, new features are in store for current and old iPhone users. People will have to...

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