Super Smash Brothers player pursues full time gaming career
Twenty three year old Super Smash Brothers Melee player Juan Debiedma or “Hungrybox” of team liquid, announced on October 12th during his twitch stream that he has quit his full time engineering job at WestRock (a paper supply manufacturing company), to pursue a full time career in competitive gaming. He has stated that he will also be studying computer programming from home and wants to pursue a career in either app development or possibly work in the gaming industry.

Hungrybox graduated from the University of Florida in 2015 with a degree in chemical engineering. He then began working at WestRock as an engineer as part of a rotational program where he would cycle through different departments.
His rotations in Florida and Georgia allowed him to practice and work, however due to a recent move to Alabama it has become increasingly difficult for him to keep up with this schedule international transport was two hours away from him, and the nearest competitive players in his area were an hour away, and to top that they were not as skilled as the most skilled player he would practice with before his move.
He had already been ranked as top two in the world based on Melee it on me’s ranking system, with the newfound extra time, many are wondering how much more formidable he may become.