Pokemon Sun and Moon innovates the series once again
The seventh generation of the next pokemon games are here. Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, exclusive only for the Nintendo 3ds, came out on November 18th 2016.
With over 75 new Pokemon released, new forms for some Pokemon and new mega evolutions, and a more story driven plot, this has been a been a very innovative year for Pokemon.
Like the classic Pokemon games, these games will also include a
villainous team, this time called Team Skull. This game also has a new type of Pokemon, called Ultra Beasts, little is known about these new creatures, buy and play the games to find out more about them.

“The game is pretty Legit, I like how in the new region, they added the new Alolan forms for already existing Pokemon, so far, my favorite is Alolan Persian”, sophomore Jhony Alvarez said.
In two weeks, these two games have sold over 10 million units worldwide in a little under a week. These games have also gotten critical acclaim as well, with IGN giving the game a solid 9/10 and 85/100 from Gameinformer.