Project M Development Cancelled
Project M began development six years ago, following the release of Super Smash Bros Brawl. Long time Smash Bros fans were disappointed in Brawl, since many of the technical aspects that made the previous game, Super Smash Bros Melee, so fast-paced and competitive, were not present.
The team in charge of Project M wanted to rework Brawl from the ground up, making it play more like Melee. The mod’s popularity led to the emergence of a massive subculture within the Super Smash Bros fan community. However, their time has come to an end.
Project M, the beloved mod for , Super Smash Bros Brawl has ceased all development. The website has had all information on the mod removed, with only a farewell letter from the development team left. It was explained that the development of Project M would be ending so the team could focus on a new project.
“We’re ready to finish development here and move on to bigger and better ventures,” the Project M dev team said.