New Hearthstone expansion pack revealed
Hearthstone, a collectable card game developed by Blizzard Entertainment, has announced its new expansion pack: Whispers of the Old Gods. With the release date being on 04/26/16, this expansion pack will bring more variety and choices in Hearthstone.
Blizzard has been and will continue revealing the cards that will be featured in the expansion pack. Out of the 134 cards that will be released, 65 cards have been revealed already - 15 common, 15 rare, 21 epic, and 14 legendary cards. Reddit has also contributed to gathering all the cards by listing all of the cards released so far on the subreddit page for Hearthstone.

Some cards are innovative and will demonstrate the randomly-numbered generating (RNG) system of the game. Yogg-Saron is a 10 mana card with 7-5 (seven attack, five health). The battlecry is to trigger a random spell for each spell casted by the player this game. And if there is a Brann Bronzebeard on the board, 20 random spells will be casted. Players can do creative things with this and the several other cards.
With the new expansion pack, players can use these new additions along with the ones they have. Whispers of the Old Gods costs $49.99 to pre-purchase and have a total of 134 new cards added to Hearthstone.